Monday, May 2, 2016

Queretaro Mexico Mission: Week 81

I am doing fine, don't worry mommacita :) I have just been working like a dog this past little while. I only have 5 months left and I want to make the best of it. I am trying my best to be obedient and also help Elder Alonso with that. Elder Alonso was having trouble getting up and exercising, so I suggested something to him and he accepted to my great surprise. As of last week I started exercising day and night. I am currently doing 100 pushups at night and 100 pushups in the morning, all accompanied with ab workouts. Elder Alonso is doing 50 and 50. The first couple of days we were hurting so bad. I couldnt wash my hair the first 2 days because I couldnt lift up my arms. But we have now gotten used to it. 

The work here in Vergel is pretty hard, not going to lie. The majority of my mission it has been easy to find and baptize but now I have felt like looking for investigators is pretty much like the hunt for red october. Where they are WHO KNOWS?! and when you finally find them you have a LOT of problems trying to get them to come with you. Dad will understand me on that. I understand why President sent me here. We are still on the hunt. Today we had a carne asada and it was a pretty relaxing day, which is exactly what I needed. Nothing more to report, just working hard and feeling constantly tired, but a good, satisfied tired. I miss you guys and love you a ton. BYE!
Elder Alex Chadwick Eaton 

1)Carne asada with chorizo!! Dont know how to translate that. 
2)there were some maintenance guys in the chapel while i was doing some interviews, and right as we finished, we heard a huge crash. We ran outside and found this with a maintenance guy looking pretty scared because the tree almost hit the church. I realized that I have turned into dad when the first thing out of my mouth was "was that intentional?" The maintenance guy said yes but his face said no.

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