Monday, August 24, 2015

Queretaro Mexico Mission Week 44


Elder Eaton mailing  address:
Elder Alex Chadwick Eaton
Mexico Queretaro Mission
Avenida Pis De La Cuestra No. 102
Esq. Boulevard Desarrollo San Pablo
Colonia Colinas De San Pablo, Querétaro
Querétaro, C.P. 76125 Mexico

Well, it feels like these 10 months have gone by super fast!! And at the end of this transfer I will have completed 11 months! It is pretty crazy! But what is more crazy is how much things have changed at home! New house, dad looking for a new job, Cole starting high school, Annie with her boy, it is loco! But I still havent gotten my package from you, I got one from Grandma McClellan, so that is pretty sweet! I will be starting divisions here tomorrow with Elder Brown, the one who made the music video of mexico. Divisions here last about 3 days, so it will be pretty fun! 

Nothing new in our area, we just got a new investigator named Goreti and she is awesome. She came to church for the first time this sunday and said it was the weirdest thing ever. She has only visited the catholic church with all the pictures and statues in the sacrament hall, so she was weirded out that we were so different. But she has the biggest desire to change in the whole world. She is struggling as a single mom, a daughter at the age of 5, and she is only 21 years old. She cried when i taught her about the parable of the prodigal son when I described how the father runs to his son and accepts him with love. She started crying and said "If only all fathers were like that".  So her life is pretty tough, to say in the least. But she is ready to change! And I cant wait to help her! Also, Enrique, stopped smoking completely!!!!!! It was awesome! After 50 years of smoking, he stopped it just like that! Power of fasting!! WHAT?!

Well, today we played soccer and i sprained my ankle I am pretty sure. I landed on it super hard, but on the side. It swelled up pretty big and It hurts to walk on it. So After this i will be icing it down in the house because it hurts to walk. Brings back memories of volleyball! Every practice of my life. Bu

t that is all that is going on now! Nothing else to report, i miss you and love you guys!!! 

Elder Alex CHadwick Eaton

1)WE played soccer with a ton of little kids. They all thought that I was william Yarbro, a goalie from the soccer team here in Leon. Look it up, we actually look pretty alike.
2)Meet the new zone!
3)During language study, Elder Mejia decided to study Lehi's dream more fully

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