Monday, December 7, 2015

Queretaro Mexico Mission Week 60

Well, not exactly. One sister did get changed out of our district and the flores are going home. But outside of that, we are staying! It will be super weird without them. Tonight we are going to have a family home evening with the branch to say goodbye to the missionary couple. Tears will be shed, and it will be very sad. But they are happy and excited to go. We have a couple baptisms coming up, not too sures, but we will see.

This past saturday we had a missionary activity and it was super legit!! It was called flight to Hawaii and we gave everyone some leis and told them to sit down. We put on a projector and then we started up a video of an airplaned taking off, then out of nowhere they all crashed and it went dark. A sister got up, told them that they had all died and unfortunately they could not go back to Earth. We had a speed judgement and they all went to different glories. We skipped the spirit world and we were in charge of the telestial kingdom. We just made it dark and terrible and then we ourselves got dresed in black. We did it good, because nobody wanted to go back to our kingdom, nobody had fun. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Everyone had a lot of fun and learned a lot. 

Nothing more to report, I am doing great, excited for this next change with Elder Estrada. A little sad to see the missionaries go, but that is how the cookie crumbles right? I love you guys and miss you a ton. Peace!
Elder Alex Chadwick Eaton

1) telestial kingdom. A happy place
2) the sisters were in charge of the celestial kingdom, hence the white.

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